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Events for June 9 - August 11

Teen Pool Noodle Battle

Russellville Branch 225 Armory Drive, Russellville, KY, United States

Make your weapon, fight your peers...with pool noodles.

Pottery Class, Session 2/2

Russellville Branch 225 Armory Drive, Russellville, KY, United States

This is a three part class. Please only register if you can…

Last Chance Craft Fair

Russellville Branch 225 Armory Drive, Russellville, KY, United States

Help us round out the summer by using all our left over…

Event Series Crafts & Chats

Crafts & Chats

Russellville Branch 225 Armory Drive, Russellville, KY, United States

Join us for a couple hours of conversation and support over whatever…

225 Armory Drive

P.O. Box 357

Russellville, KY 42276

(270) 726-6129